Shared Remote Interpreting Governance

Shared Remote Interpreting Governance Committee

Authority:  AOSC16-105PDF Download

On December 1, 2016, the Supreme Court issued AOSC16-105 establishing the Shared Remote Interpreting Governance Committee (Governance Committee) to make recommendations to the Commission on Trial Court Performance and Accountability, the Court Interpreter Certification Board, and the Trial Court Budget Commission, regarding management and oversight of shared remote interpreting services.  The Governance Committee oversees the use of Virtual Remote Interpreting (VRI) in a shared resource model between participating judicial circuits.  As directed in the administrative order, the Governance Committee is also responsible for establishing the statewide VRI pool, collecting associated workload data, overseeing administration and management issues such as procedural changes to the service model and developing recommendations on additional VRI funding needs.

Members through June 30, 2022:

  • The Honorable Elizabeth Metzger (Chair), Circuit Judge, Nineteenth Judicial Circuit
  • Mr. Matthew Benefiel, Trial Court Administrator, Ninth Judicial Circuit
  • Mr. Noel Chessman, Court Technology Officer, Fifteenth Judicial Circuit
  • Ms. Carrina Cooper, Court Operations Consultant, Third Judicial Circuit
  • Ms. Candra Erickson, Supervising Court Interpreter, Seventh Judicial Circuit
  • The Honorable Stephen Everett, Circuit Judge, Second Judicial Circuit
  • Mr. Brian Franza, Court Technology Officer, Tenth Judicial Circuit
  • Mr. Roosevelt Sawyer, State Courts Technology Officer, Office of the State Courts Administrator
  • Mr. Juan Carlos Villanueva, Supervising Court Interpreter, Fifth Judicial Circuit

The next Committee meeting will take place on August 6, 2021.  For additional information, please contact Lindsay Hafford at or (850) 410-1236.

Selected Reports:

Last Modified: April 06, 2023